10X Shooting India - Shooting Trainning and Equipments
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Sell your pre-owned

How to Sell on 10X

How do I sell my used or pre-owned equipment?

10x Shooting India gives shooters a great opportunity to buy and sell used or pre-owned shooting products and equipment online within the shooting community across India.

Here are the steps to follow once you are on our website.
Step 1: Click on Sell your Pre-owned tab. You will find this tab on our home page at most top section.

Step 2: Fill-up the form in details to upload your product. If you are already a member, you can go to your dash board click on sell on 10X tab and then click on add product. You will have to fill-up the form.

Step 3: Add brand name, product details, description and images of your product along with your expected price and contact details.
That’s all; your product is ready to be uploaded on our website. Our admin will check the authenticity of the seller and the product. Once approved, your product will show up on our website.

Process and procedure:

Our marketing team will actively promote your product on social media and help you to sell your product.
Once we find a buyer for your product, we will collect the amount you have mentioned and keep it in an escrow account until you dispatch the product and the buyer is satisfied with the product.
We will release your money (after deducting our commission) 14 days after your product has reached the buyer. This is the cooling period we observe in case there is any dispute.

Dos and Don’ts tips:

Make sure that you don’t upload fire arms on our website as we don’t sell them. Only Air Rifle and Air Pistol (.177 gauges bore) sports models are sold on our website. Admin has a right to disqualify and cancel your order without giving any reasoning, if they find your product not suitable for sale on our website.
You will be fully responsible for the product you want to sell, it’s brand, age, description, images and condition of the product displayed on our website. 10x Shooting India won’t be responsible if the buyer doesn’t find the product as displayed and is unsatisfied. You will have to bare the cost of courier and other related expenses for returning your product to you.
Give correct information about the product, mention its true condition and share recent images of your product so that there won’t be any conflict of interest from the buyers end.
Calculate depreciation based on the age of the product and its condition. This will help us to sell your product quickly.
Be upfront to mention faults or defects if any, about the product and balance them with your price.